Awards and Recognition
The cooperative was a recipient from the national government through DA-NAFC of the Farm Level Grains Center ( FLGC) a complete component post-harvest facility.
Through the years, SPPMPC has been continuously reaping recognitions as model to other cooperatives and figured prominently in the Department of Agriculture’s GAWAD SAKA AND THE Cooperatives Development Authority’s search for Outstanding Cooperative.
From 1996 to 2004 the coop has been awarded nine times in the Land Bank of the Philippines nationwide search for Gawad Pinakatanging Kooperatiba ( GAWAD PITAK) and has been elevated to the Hall of Fame in 2004 and finally last year, 2007 the cooperative has achieved its highest recognition from LANKBANK for it was declared the winner of the GININTU-ANG GAWAD PITAK.
Cash awards of the recognitions were used for the construction of the Training Center and pension house, purchased of service vehicles and the Coop Manager was able to join the study tour in Bavaria, Germany and on of the participants in the study tour for agricultural cooperatives in the three Asian countries, India, Thailand and Japan.
In appreciation to the dedication and exemplary performance of the officers and management & staff, they were given work holidays by sending to educational tours to other places and likewise visiting and observing other enterprising cooperatives.